Project Application/Proposal

Project Application/Proposal

1 946

Here’s everything you need to know to apply for a project–Due Friday 9/12:

Independent Project

Complete the Independent Project Proposal. (Carli has a great example here.)

A great way to submit is to post online, and email or tweet me (@bjfr) the link.

You an also complete the document and email it to me, if you don’t want to post online.

We will try to get you feedback ASAP.

Partner Project

First, make sure that you have a resume/c.v. online, either as a document uploaded to your blog, on an About Page on your site, or as a public Google Doc.

Then, complete the survey at the link here. (LIVE AT 7pm)

The survey will ask for your name and a link to your CV.

Then you can select up to three choices for  projects. For each, you can write a statement about your interests and, if relevant, qualifications.

Ideally, everyone will distribute themselves perfectly and be able to do whatever they want. If some options are oversubscribed, then mentors can help select candidates based on qualifications.

My hope is that by Monday, everyone will have either been assigned to a partner project or gotten feedback on an individual project.


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